jeudi, avril 08, 2010

lambdaj errors explained

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class ch.lambdaj.proxy.ProxyIterator can not access a member of class XYZ with modifiers "public" at line forEach(products_byname).cropDefects();
assuming List products_byname = new List();
means that class Product should be made public.

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class ch.lambdaj.proxy.ProxyIterator can not access a member of class XYZ with modifiers "" at line forEach(products_byname).cropDefects();
means that method cropDefects() should be made public.

java.lang.RuntimeException: It is not possible to create a placeholder for class: java.lang.reflect.Field at line List l_null_fields = select(l_fields,having(on(Field.class).get(this),nullValue())); means that you encountered a Limitation of lambdaj caused by the Java language specification because Field is a final class.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: forEach() is unable to introspect on an empty iterator. Use the overloaded method accepting a class instead at line forEach(defects).updateBugActivity(stateArray); means that you encountered a Limitation of lambdaj caused by the Java language specification because defects is an empty list.

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