A scala example doing various operations on a TreeSet containing keys organized in rows and columns and who have a certain type. Output is an html table.
def myPrint(i_type: Int, ts_keys: TreeSet[KbdKey]) { val lcol = (0 to 16) print(lcol.tail.foldLeft("Column [" + lcol.head +"]")(_ + "Column [" + _ +"]")) val ts_matrixFilteredByType = ts_keys.filter((k: KbdKey) => k.i_type==i_type) val m_matrixGroupByRow = ts_matrixFilteredByType.groupBy((k: KbdKey) => k.i_row) val m_matrixGroupBySortedRow = ListMap(m_matrixGroupByRow.toList.sortBy{_._1}:_*) m_matrixGroupBySortedRow.foreach((p:(Int, TreeSet[KbdKey])) => print(p._2.tail.foldLeft("Row["+p._1+"]" + p._2.head.myprint)(_ + _.myprint) +"-")) }
Things to notice are:
- use of foldLeft to do some printing and not some plain summing "as usual".
- groupBy returns pairs.
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