This is a concrete Scala Map and SortedMap example.
I wrote this post because I found it very difficult to find the right information when trying to get a concrete Map and SortedMap.
I wrote this post because I found it very difficult to find the right information when trying to get a concrete Map and SortedMap.
class StringOrder extends Ordering[String] { override def compare(s1: String, s2: String) = } class MyParameter() {} class ZeParameters(val pairs:List[(String,MyParameter)] = Nil) extends SortedMap[String,MyParameter] { /**** Minimal Map stuff begin ****/ lazy val keyLookup = Map() ++ pairs override def get(key: String): Option[MyParameter] = keyLookup.get(key) override def iterator: Iterator[(String, MyParameter)] = pairs.reverseIterator override def + [B1 >: MyParameter](kv: (String, B1)) = { val (key:String, value:MyParameter) = kv new ZeParameters((key,value) :: pairs) } override def -(key: String): ZeParameters = new ZeParameters(pairs.filterNot(_._1 == key)) /**** Minimal map stuff end ****/ /**** Minimal SortedMap stuff begin ****/ def rangeImpl (from: Option[String], until: Option[String]): ZeParameters = { val out = pairs.filter((p: (String, MyParameter)) => { var compareFrom = 0 from match { case Some(s) => compareFrom = case _ => } var compareUntil = 0 until match { case Some(s) => compareUntil = case _ => } compareFrom>=0 && compareUntil<=0 }) new ZeParameters(out) } def ordering: Ordering[String] = new StringOrder /**** Minimal SortedMap stuff end ****/ }Do not forget that you can also transform your map into a list and then use sortBy:
class ListSort { println(List((1.0,"zob"),(1.2,"zab"),(0.9,"zub")).sortBy{_._1}) }